Man has a video call on his cell phone with a healthcare provide
Health Benefits Connector

Discover specialized care between doctor’s visits

Connect to health programs covered by your job, often at $0 cost to you
Support for mental health, high blood pressure, pain relief for joints & muscles, and diabetes

You may be wondering

What is Health Benefits Connector?
Amazon's Health Benefits Connector matches you with digital health companies outside of Amazon that can help you manage conditions including mental health, prediabetes, diabetes, and high blood pressure. You may receive connected devices and a comprehensive plan consisting of daily tracking, health coaching, and community support to help you reach your health goals. To learn more visit
How does the coverage check work?
We’ll check if your insurance plan or employer benefits cover a digital health program using the information you provide, including your legal name, date of birth, email, employer name, and insurance carrier. You can easily apply for the programs on Amazon after we get confirmation that you’re covered.
What does it mean to be covered for a digital health program?
If you’re covered, you might have access to program features at $0 cost to you, paid for by your insurance plan or employer. (Copay may vary based on insurance coverage.) These features might include connected devices, health coaching, therapy, a community forum, and more from participating digital health companies.
What’s a digital health company?
Digital health companies help you manage diabetes, high blood pressure, mental health, joint pain, muscle pain, and more through personalized online programs covered by your insurer or employer.
Will Health Benefits Connector replace the care I receive from my primary care provider?
No. Health Benefits Connector helps you find digital health programs that accompany the care you receive from a primary care provider. Most programs require prior diagnosis, which often comes from your primary care provider.
Do I need to have a medical diagnosis in order to be accepted?
Some digital health companies require proof of diagnosis to determine if you’re clinically eligible for programs. Mental health programs do not require a prior medical diagnosis for online therapy.
How is my privacy protected?
Across Amazon, protecting customer data is incredibly important. Amazon Health Services (AHS) protects customer information with stringent privacy and security practices to keep information safe and secure. Individually identifiable information sent to and received by digital health companies who are regulated by HIPAA is protected health information (PHI) and we secure and protect it accordingly.

AHS is committed to building an infrastructure that fosters and promotes customer privacy and a strong commitment to 
safeguarding health information. Please see Amazon Health Benefits Connector Terms of Use for more details.
What if I’m not covered?
We’re expanding our partnerships with digital health companies to help customers discover the benefits available to them and bring the highest quality care to more customers. Even if you’re not covered now, you can create a benefits profile and opt-in to be notified if you’re covered for a digital health program in the future.
What happens after I apply?
If you’re both covered and clinically eligible, you can enroll in the program through the digital health company’s website or mobile app. After you’re enrolled, your program might include messaging with a virtual-first health coach, available 24/7 for advice, and a personalized health plan. You might also receive connected devices, like a continuous glucose meter, blood pressure monitor, smart weighing scale, exercise equipment, and more at $0 cost to you. For mental health programs, you’ll be matched with a licensed online therapist. Each program is built with clinical protocols to help you reach your health goals.
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